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Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer

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ISSN Druckformat: 1065-5131

ISSN Online: 1563-5074

The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. 2017 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2018) IF: 2.3 To calculate the five year Impact Factor, citations are counted in 2017 to the previous five years and divided by the source items published in the previous five years. 2017 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2018) 5-Year IF: 1.8 The Immediacy Index is the average number of times an article is cited in the year it is published. The journal Immediacy Index indicates how quickly articles in a journal are cited. Immediacy Index: 0.2 The Eigenfactor score, developed by Jevin West and Carl Bergstrom at the University of Washington, is a rating of the total importance of a scientific journal. Journals are rated according to the number of incoming citations, with citations from highly ranked journals weighted to make a larger contribution to the eigenfactor than those from poorly ranked journals. Eigenfactor: 0.00037 The Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) is a single measurement of the field-normalized citation impact of journals in the Web of Science Core Collection across disciplines. The key words here are that the metric is normalized and cross-disciplinary. JCI: 0.6 SJR: 0.433 SNIP: 0.593 CiteScore™:: 4.3 H-Index: 35

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Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics in Dielectric Flow in Surface-Augmented Microchannels

Volumen 16, Ausgabe 3, 2009, pp. 225-236
DOI: 10.1615/JEnhHeatTransf.v16.i3.20
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Microchannel heat sinks incorporating phase-change can be an effective remedy to problems encountered with extreme heat fluxes in modern day micro processor chips. An augmented surface has been created that consists of 20-micron re-entrant cavities etched in the base of each channel in the microchannel array. These cavities significantly impact the flow regime by promoting stable nucleate boiling. The phase-change thermal transport reported here is carried out on microchannel heat sinks etched in silicon and cooled by the dielectric fluid FC72. Heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops reported were measured using a versatile continuous flow loop that permitted experiments at a variety of inlet subcooling values and pressures. The results show stable thermal performance with low pressure drops that were correctly represented by the homogeneous two-phase model. The highest pressure drop measured was 17.5 kPa at a mass flux of 2138 kg/m2·s and at an inlet subcooling of 5°C.

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  2. Jiang Peng, Yang Weimin, Yan Hua, Guan Changfeng, Performance assessment in a tube with rotor-assembled strands mixed by spiral slot rotor and low flow resistance rotor, Applied Thermal Engineering, 52, 1, 2013. Crossref

  3. Narayanan Vinod, Liburdy James, Pence Deborah, Thermal Applications of Microchannel Flows, in Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, 2013. Crossref

  4. Zhang Ting, Liu Chun J., Guo Kai, Huang Zhe Q., Enhancement on Thermal-Hydraulic Performance of Serpentine Air Preheater, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 49, 5, 2016. Crossref

  5. Saha Sujoy Kumar, Ranjan Hrishiraj, Emani Madhu Sruthi, Bharti Anand Kumar, Flow Boiling Enhancement Techniques, in Two-Phase Heat Transfer Enhancement, 2020. Crossref

  6. Saha Sujoy Kumar, Ranjan Hrishiraj, Emani Madhu Sruthi, Bharti Anand Kumar, Heat Transfer Fundamentals for Design of Heat Transfer Enhancement Devices, in Introduction to Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2020. Crossref

  7. O'Neill Lucas E., Mudawar Issam, Review of two-phase flow instabilities in macro- and micro-channel systems, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 157, 2020. Crossref

  8. Deng Daxiang, Zeng Long, Sun Wei, A review on flow boiling enhancement and fabrication of enhanced microchannels of microchannel heat sinks, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 175, 2021. Crossref

  9. Yang Shuang yu, Xu Sheng, Wang Zhiming, Fei Dong, Effect of rectangular micro cavity on pool boiling heat transfer on heating surface via the lattice boltzmann method, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022. Crossref

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