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International Journal on Algae

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ISSN Druckformat: 1521-9429

ISSN Online: 1940-4328

SJR: 0.168 SNIP: 0.377 CiteScore™:: 0.6 H-Index: 11

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Are unicellular algae a potential source of antitumor carbohydrates?

Volumen 1, Ausgabe 2, 1999, pp. 98-107
DOI: 10.1615/InterJAlgae.v1.i2.90
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The influence of carbohydrate accumulation on the rate of cell division and population dynamics in four species of unicellular algae synthesizing different types of polyglycanes is studied. The phenomena of cell division rate reduction and autorepression of algal populations in the period of active accumulation of carbohydrates are discovered. It is shown that the regression rate of populations of Peridinium trochoideum Stein, increases with increasing carbohydrate accumulation rate. An attempt was done to develop a method for primary selection (pre-screening) of carbohydrates of unicellular algae for their antitumor activity.

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