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Atomization and Sprays

Published 12 issues per year

ISSN Print: 1044-5110

ISSN Online: 1936-2684

The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. 2017 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2018) IF: 1 To calculate the five year Impact Factor, citations are counted in 2017 to the previous five years and divided by the source items published in the previous five years. 2017 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2018) 5-Year IF: 1.1 The Immediacy Index is the average number of times an article is cited in the year it is published. The journal Immediacy Index indicates how quickly articles in a journal are cited. Immediacy Index: 0.2 The Eigenfactor score, developed by Jevin West and Carl Bergstrom at the University of Washington, is a rating of the total importance of a scientific journal. Journals are rated according to the number of incoming citations, with citations from highly ranked journals weighted to make a larger contribution to the eigenfactor than those from poorly ranked journals. Eigenfactor: 0.0005 The Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) is a single measurement of the field-normalized citation impact of journals in the Web of Science Core Collection across disciplines. The key words here are that the metric is normalized and cross-disciplinary. JCI: 0.28 SJR: 0.322 SNIP: 0.587 CiteScore™:: 2.1 H-Index: 60

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Volume 9, Issue 6, 1999, pp. 623-650
DOI: 10.1615/AtomizSpr.v9.i6.40
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An improved spray atomization model is presented for use in both diesel and gasoline spray computations. The KH-RT hybrid atomization model consists of two distinct steps: primary and secondary breakup. The Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability model was used to predict the primary breakup of the intact liquid core of a diesel jet. The secondary breakup of the individual drops was modeled with the Kelvin-Helmholtz model in conjunction with the Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) accelerative instability model. A modification was made to the KH-RT hybrid model that allowed the RT accelerative instabilities to affect all drops outside the intact liquid core of the jet. In previous implementations, only the drops beyond the breakup length are affected by RT breakup. Furthermore, a Rosin-Rammler distribution was used to specify the sizes of children drops after the RT breakup of a parent drop. The modifications made to the KH-RT hybrid model were found to give satisfactory results and to improve the temperature dependence of the liquid fuel penetration of the diesel sprays significantly. The KH-RT model was also found to predict the spray shape, penetration, and local SMD of hollow-cone sprays as well as previous gasoline spray models based on the TAB model.

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  28. Bergin Michael J., Reitz Rolf D., Oh Seungmook, Miles Paul C., Hildingsson Leif, Hultqvist Anders, Fuel Injection and Mean Swirl Effects on Combustion and Soot Formation in Heavy Duty Diesel Engines, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2007. Crossref

  29. Opat Richard, Ra Youngchul, Gonzalez D. Manuel A., Krieger Roger, Reitz Rolf D., Foster David E., Durrett Russell P., Siewert Robert M., Investigation of Mixing and Temperature Effects on HC/CO Emissions for Highly Dilute Low Temperature Combustion in a Light Duty Diesel Engine, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2007. Crossref

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  37. Lee Chang-Wook, Ge Hai-Wen, Reitz Rolf D., Kurtz Eric, Willems Werner, Computational Optimization of a Down-Scaled Diesel Engine Operating in the Conventional Diffusion Combustion Regime Using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm, Combustion Science and Technology, 184, 1, 2012. Crossref

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  42. Rossi Riccardo, Musu Ettore, Frigo Stefano, Gentili Roberto, Reitz Rolf D., Simultaneous Reduction of Soot and NOX Emissions by Means of the HCPC Concept: Complying with the Heavy Duty EURO 6 Limits without Aftertreatment System, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2013. Crossref

  43. Kikusato Akira, Kogo Kazuya, Zhou Beini, Jin Kusaka, Daisho Yasuhiro, Sato Kiyotaka, Fujimoto Hidefumi, Terashima Hiroshi, Morii Youhi, Numerical Simulation on Soot Formation in Diesel Combustion by Using a CFD Code Combined with a Parallelized Explicit ODE Solver, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2014. Crossref

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  52. Kokjohn Sage, Hanson Reed, Splitter Derek, Kaddatz John, Reitz Rolf D., Fuel Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) Combustion in Light- and Heavy-Duty Engines, SAE International Journal of Engines, 4, 1, 2011. Crossref

  53. Puduppakkam Karthik, Naik Chitralkumar, Meeks Ellen, Krenn Christian, Kroiss Roswitha, Gelbmann Johannes, Pessl Guenther, Predictive Combustion and Emissions Simulations for a High Performance Diesel Engine Using a Detailed Fuel Combustion Model, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2014. Crossref

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  56. Dimitriou Pavlos, Wang Weiji, Peng Jun, Cheng Li, Wellers Matthias, Gao Bo, Analysis of Diesel Engine In-Cylinder Air-Fuel Mixing with Homogeneity Factor: Combined Effects of Pilot Injection Strategies and Air Motion, SAE International Journal of Engines, 7, 4, 2014. Crossref

  57. Ra Youngchul, Loeper Paul, Andrie Michael, Krieger Roger, Foster David E., Reitz Rolf D., Durrett Russ, Gasoline DICI Engine Operation in the LTC Regime Using Triple- Pulse Injection, SAE International Journal of Engines, 5, 3, 2012. Crossref

  58. Das Adhikary Bishwadipa, Reitz Rolf D., Ciatti Stephen, Kolodziej Christopher, Computational Investigation of Low Load Operation in a Light-Duty Gasoline Direct Injection Compression Ignition [GDICI] Engine Using Single-Injection Strategy, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2014. Crossref

  59. Taghavifar Hamid, Taghavifar Hadi, Mardani Aref, Mohebbi Arash, Khalilarya Shahram, Jafarmadar Samad, On the modeling of convective heat transfer coefficient of hydrogen fueled diesel engine as affected by combustion parameters using a coupled numerical-artificial neural network approach, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40, 12, 2015. Crossref

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  61. Zhao Hui, Hou Yan-Bing, Liu Hai-Feng, Tian Xiu-Shan, Xu Jian-Liang, Li Wei-Feng, Liu Yi, Wu Fu-Yu, Zhang Jie, Lin Kuang-Fei, Influence of rheological properties on air-blast atomization of coal water slurry, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 211, 2014. Crossref

  62. Loeper Paul, Ra Youngchul, Foster David E., Ghandhi Jaal, Experimental and Computational Assessment of Inlet Swirl Effects on a Gasoline Compression Ignition (GCI) Light-Duty Diesel Engine, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2014. Crossref

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  66. Splitter Derek, Hanson Reed, Kokjohn Sage, Reitz Rolf D., Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) Heavy-Duty Engine Operation at Mid-and High-Loads with Conventional and Alternative Fuels, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2011. Crossref

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  68. Hanson Reed M., Kokjohn Sage L., Splitter Derek A., Reitz Rolf D., An Experimental Investigation of Fuel Reactivity Controlled PCCI Combustion in a Heavy-Duty Engine, SAE International Journal of Engines, 3, 1, 2010. Crossref

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  70. Splitter Derek, Wissink Martin, Kokjohn Sage, Reitz Rolf D., Effect of Compression Ratio and Piston Geometry on RCCI Load Limits and Efficiency, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2012. Crossref

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  72. Nieman Derek E., Dempsey Adam B., Reitz Rolf D., Heavy-Duty RCCI Operation Using Natural Gas and Diesel, SAE International Journal of Engines, 5, 2, 2012. Crossref

  73. Kim Donghoon, Kim Kihyun, Comparison of Spray Structures of Diesel and Gasoline Using Modified Evaporation Model in Openfoam CFD Package, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2014. Crossref

  74. Cao Li, Zhao Hua, Jiang Xi, Kalian Navin, Numerical Investigation Into Effect of Fuel Injection Timing on CAI/HCCI Combustion in a Four-Stroke GDI Engine, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 7, 1, 2006. Crossref

  75. Koci Chad P., Ra Youngchul, Krieger Roger, Andrie Mike, Foster David E., Siewert Robert M., Durrett Russell P., Multiple-Event Fuel Injection Investigations in a Highly-Dilute Diesel Low Temperature Combustion Regime, SAE International Journal of Engines, 2, 1, 2009. Crossref

  76. Koci Chad P., Ra Youngchul, Krieger Roger, Andrie Mike, Foster David E., Siewert Robert M., Durrett Russell P., Ekoto Isaac, Miles Paul C., Detailed Unburned Hydrocarbon Investigations in a Highly-Dilute Diesel Low Temperature Combustion Regime, SAE International Journal of Engines, 2, 1, 2009. Crossref

  77. Lee Choong Hoon, Reitz Rolf D., CFD simulations of diesel spray tip penetration with multiple injections and with engine compression ratios up to 100:1, Fuel, 111, 2013. Crossref

  78. Um Sukkee, Park Sung Wook, Modeling effect of the biodiesel mixing ratio on combustion and emission characteristics using a reduced mechanism of methyl butanoate, Fuel, 89, 7, 2010. Crossref

  79. Cantrell Benjamin A., Ge Hai-Wen, Reitz Rolf D., Rutland Christopher J., Validation of Advanced Combustion Models Applied to Two-Stage Combustion in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2009. Crossref

  80. Yi Yong, Reitz Rolf D., Modeling the Effect of Primary Atomization on Diesel Engine Emissions, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2003. Crossref

  81. Bonandrini Giovanni, Di Gioia Rita, Papaleo Domenico, Venturoli Luca, Numerical Study on Multiple Injection Strategies in DISI Engines for Particulate Emission Control, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2012. Crossref

  82. Kobashi Yoshimitsu, Kimoto Yusuke, Kato Satoshi, Numerical Simulation of Evaporating Sprays of Ethanol Fuel Blends, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2013. Crossref

  83. Park Sung Wook, Kim Hyung Jun, Lee Chang Sik, Investigation of Atomization Characteristics and Prediction Accuracy of Hybrid Models for High-Speed Diesel Fuel Sprays, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2003. Crossref

  84. Liu Yi, Tao Feng, Foster David E., Reitz Rolf D., Application of A Multiple-Step Phenomenological Soot Model to HSDI Diesel Multiple Injection Modeling, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2005. Crossref

  85. Huang Chen, Lipatnikov Andrei, Modelling of Gasoline and Ethanol Hollow-Cone Sprays Using OpenFOAM, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2011. Crossref

  86. Jangi Mehdi, Solsjo Rickard, Johansson Bengt, Bai Xue-Song, On large eddy simulation of diesel spray for internal combustion engines, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 53, 2015. Crossref

  87. Yi Yong, Zhu Guang-Sheng, Reitz Rolf D., High-Pressure Spray and Combustion Modeling Using Continuous Thermodynamics for Diesel Fuels, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2001. Crossref

  88. Walker N. Ryan, Dempsey Adam B., Andrie Michael J., Reitz Rolf D., Use of Low-Pressure Direct-Injection for Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) Light-Duty Engine Operation, SAE International Journal of Engines, 6, 2, 2013. Crossref

  89. Cho Hyeonsu, Kim Woo, Numerical Simulation of Diesel Spray Combustion in a Constant Volume Chamber by Eulerian and Lagrangian Conditional Moment Closure Models, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2013. Crossref

  90. Musu Ettore, Rossi Riccardo, Gentili Roberto, Reitz Rolf D., Heavy Duty HCPC, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2011. Crossref

  91. Bergin Michael, Reitz Rolf D., Rutland Christopher, Dempsey Adam, Curran Scott, Load Limit Extension in Pre-Mixed Compression Ignition Using a 2-Zone Combustion System, SAE International Journal of Engines, 8, 2, 2015. Crossref

  92. Srivastava Shalabh, Schock Harold, Jaberi Farhad, Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Sprays with a Multicomponent Evaporation Model, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2013. Crossref

  93. Patel Nayan, Menon Suresh, Simulation of spray–turbulence–flame interactions in a lean direct injection combustor, Combustion and Flame, 153, 1-2, 2008. Crossref

  94. Dimitriou Pavlos, Wang Weiji, Peng Zhijun, A Piston Geometry and Nozzle Spray Angle Investigation in a DI Diesel Engine by Quantifying the Air-Fuel Mixture, International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics, 7, 1, 2015. Crossref

  95. Lim Jaeman, Min Kyoungdoug, The Effects of Spray Angle and Piston Bowl Shape on Diesel Engine Soot Emissions Using 3-D CFD Simulation, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2005. Crossref

  96. Li Haiying, li Cao, Ma Xiao, TU PoWen, Xu Hongming, Shuai Shi-Jin, Ghafourian Akbar, Numerical Study of DMF and Gasoline Spray and Mixture Preparation in a GDI Engine, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2013. Crossref

  97. Kolakaluri Ravi, Li Yuanhong, Kong Song-Charng, A unified spray model for engine spray simulation using dynamic mesh refinement, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 36, 11-12, 2010. Crossref

  98. Reitz Rolf, Pickett Lyle, Trujillo Mario, Fuel Introduction, in Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering, 2014. Crossref

  99. Kim Sayop, Hwang Jin Woo, Lee Chang Sik, Experiments and modeling on droplet motion and atomization of diesel and bio-diesel fuels in a cross-flowed air stream, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 31, 4, 2010. Crossref

  100. Huang Cheng, Gejji Rohan M., Anderson William E., Effects of Physical Modeling on Combustion Instability Predictions in a Single-Element Lean Direct Injection Gas Turbine Combustor, 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2015. Crossref

  101. Kokjohn Sage L., Reitz Rolf D., A Computational Investigation of Two-Stage Combustion in a Light-Duty Engine, SAE International Journal of Engines, 1, 1, 2008. Crossref

  102. Park Sung Wook, Reitz Rolf D., A gas jet superposition model for CFD modeling of group-hole nozzle sprays, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 30, 6, 2009. Crossref

  103. Kobashi Yoshimitsu, Fujimori Kenta, Maekawa Hiroki, Kato Satoshi, Kawano Daisuke, Senda Jiro, Modeling of Auto-Ignition and Combustion Processes for Dual-Component Fuel Spray, SAE International Journal of Engines, 4, 2, 2011. Crossref

  104. Huang Jian, Wang Zhi, Wissink Martin, Reitz Rolf D., Effects of Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Ignition and Combustion on Thermal Efficiency and Combustion Noise in DICI Engine, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2014. Crossref

  105. Dempsey Adam B., Reitz Rolf D., Computational Optimization of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition in a Heavy-Duty Engine with Ultra Low Compression Ratio, SAE International Journal of Engines, 4, 2, 2011. Crossref

  106. Kuti Olawole Abiola, Sarathy Mani, Nishida Keiya, Roberts William, Numerical Studies of Spray Combustion Processes of Palm Oil Biodiesel and Diesel Fuels using Reduced Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2014. Crossref

  107. Han Karam, Seo Jaeyeob, Huh Kang Y., Improved Lagrangian CMC for Simulation of Combustion Under Diesel-like Condition, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2013. Crossref

  108. Poon Hiew Mun, Ng Hoon Kiat, Gan Suyin, Pang Kar Mun, Schramm Jesper, Evaluation and Development of Chemical Kinetic Mechanism Reduction Scheme for Biodiesel and Diesel Fuel Surrogates, SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 6, 3, 2013. Crossref

  109. Shuai Shijin, Abani Neerav, Yoshikawa Takeshi, Reitz Rolf D., Park Sung Wook, Simulating low temperature diesel combustion with improved spray models, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 48, 9, 2009. Crossref

  110. Liu Yi, Ali Amr, Reitz Rolf D., Simulation of Effects of Valve Pockets and Internal Residual Gas Distribution on HSDI Diesel Combustion and Emissions, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2004. Crossref

  111. Park Su Han, Kim Hyung Jun, Suh Hyun Kyu, Lee Chang Sik, A study on the fuel injection and atomization characteristics of soybean oil methyl ester (SME), International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 30, 1, 2009. Crossref

  112. Wang Buyu, Yang Hong-Qiang, Shuai Shi-Jin, Wang Zhi, He Xin, Xu Hongming, Wang Jianxin, Numerical Resolution of Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition (MPCI) Mode and Partially Premixed Compression Ignition (PPCI) Mode for Low Octane Gasoline, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2013. Crossref

  113. Perini Federico, Sahoo Dipankar, Miles Paul C., Reitz Rolf D., Modeling the Ignitability of a Pilot Injection for a Diesel Primary Reference Fuel: Impact of Injection Pressure, Ambient Temperature and Injected Mass, SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 7, 1, 2014. Crossref

  114. Park Wonah, Lee Hyowon, Min Kyoungdoug, Evaluation of Droplet Breakup Models and Application to the Diesel Engine Combustion Analysis, Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, 21, 1, 2013. Crossref

  115. Som S., Longman D.E., Ramírez A.I., Aggarwal S.K., A comparison of injector flow and spray characteristics of biodiesel with petrodiesel, Fuel, 89, 12, 2010. Crossref

  116. Genzale Caroline L., Reitz Rolf D., Musculus Mark P. B., Optical Diagnostics and Multi-Dimensional Modeling of Spray Targeting Effects in Late-Injection Low-Temperature Diesel Combustion, SAE International Journal of Engines, 2, 2, 2009. Crossref

  117. Pang Kar Mun, Jangi Mehdi, Bai Xue-Song, Schramm Jesper, Investigation of Chemical Kinetics on Soot Formation Event of n-Heptane Spray Combustion, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2014. Crossref

  118. Tess Michael J., Lee Chang-Wook, Reitz Rolf D., Diesel Engine Size Scaling at Medium Load without EGR, SAE International Journal of Engines, 4, 1, 2011. Crossref

  119. Mitsugi Yuta, Wakabayashi Daiki, Tanaka Kotaro, Konno Mitsuru, High-Speed Observation and Modeling of Dimethyl Ether Spray Combustion at Engine-Like Conditions, SAE International Journal of Engines, 9, 1, 2015. Crossref

  120. Kokjohn Sage L., Hanson Reed M., Splitter Derek A., Reitz Rolf D., Experiments and Modeling of Dual-Fuel HCCI and PCCI Combustion Using In-Cylinder Fuel Blending, SAE International Journal of Engines, 2, 2, 2009. Crossref

  121. Wang Buyu, Wang Zhi, Shuai Shijin, Wang Jianxin, Investigation into the Effect of Flame Propagation in the Gasoline Compression Ignition by Coupling G-Equation and Reduced Chemical Kinetics Combustion Model, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2015. Crossref

  122. Benajes Jesus, Novella Ricardo, De Lima Daniela, Tribotte Pascal, Investigation on Multiple Injection Strategies for Gasoline PPC Operation in a Newly Designed 2-Stroke HSDI Compression Ignition Engine, SAE International Journal of Engines, 8, 2, 2015. Crossref

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  126. Tamagna Daniele, Gentili Roberto, Ra Youngchul, Reitz Rolf D., Multidimensional Simulation of the Influence of Fuel Mixture Composition and Injection Timing in Gasoline-Diesel Dual-Fuel Applications, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2008. Crossref

  127. Wang Hu, Deneys Reitz Rolf, Yao Mingfa, Yang Binbin, Jiao Qi, Qiu Lu, Development of an n-heptane-n-butanol-PAH mechanism and its application for combustion and soot prediction, Combustion and Flame, 160, 3, 2013. Crossref

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  129. Klos David, Janecek Daniel, Kokjohn Sage, Investigation of the Combustion Instability-NOx Tradeoff in a Dual Fuel Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) Engine, SAE International Journal of Engines, 8, 2, 2015. Crossref

  130. Shrestha Amit, Joshi Umashankar, Zheng Ziliang, Badawy Tamer, Henein Naeim, Sattler Eric, Schihl Peter, Experimental Validation and Combustion Modeling of a JP-8 Surrogate in a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine, SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 7, 1, 2014. Crossref

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  132. Perini Federico, Reitz Rolf D., Improved atomization, collision and sub-grid scale momentum coupling models for transient vaporizing engine sprays, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 79, 2016. Crossref

  133. Perini Federico, Dempsey Adam, Reitz Rolf D., Sahoo Dipankar, Petersen Benjamin, Miles Paul C., A Computational Investigation of the Effects of Swirl Ratio and Injection Pressure on Mixture Preparation and Wall Heat Transfer in a Light-Duty Diesel Engine, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2013. Crossref

  134. Sun Yong, Reitz Rolf D., Modeling Diesel Engine NOx and Soot Reduction with Optimized Two-Stage Combustion, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2006. Crossref

  135. Jeon Joonho, Park Sungwook, Effects of pilot injection strategies on the flame temperature and soot distributions in an optical CI engine fueled with biodiesel and conventional diesel, Applied Energy, 160, 2015. Crossref

  136. Perini Federico, Zha Kan, Busch Stephen, Miles Paul, Reitz Rolf D., Principal Component Analysis and Study of Port-Induced Swirl Structures in a Light-Duty Optical Diesel Engine, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2015. Crossref

  137. Bergin Michael, Wickman David, Rutland Christopher, Reitz Rolf D., Multi-Dimensional-Modeling-Based Development of a Novel 2-Zone Combustion Chamber Applied to Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition Combustion, SAE International Journal of Engines, 8, 2, 2015. Crossref

  138. Magnotti Gina M., Genzale Caroline L., Influence of Liquid Penetration Metrics on Diesel Spray Model Validation, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2013. Crossref

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  140. Park Wonah, Ra Youngchul, Kurtz Eric, Willems Werner, Reitz Rolf D., Use of Multiple Injection Strategies to Reduce Emission and Noise in Low Temperature Diesel Combustion, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2015. Crossref

  141. Liu Yi, Reitz Rolf D., Lu Fan, Development and Application of a Non-Gradient Step-Controlled Search Algorithm for Engine Combustion Optimization, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2006. Crossref

  142. Park Su Han, Cha Junepyo, Kim Hyung Jun, Lee Chang Sik, Effect of early injection strategy on spray atomization and emission reduction characteristics in bioethanol blended diesel fueled engine, Energy, 39, 1, 2012. Crossref

  143. Ra Youngchul, Loeper Paul, Reitz Rolf D., Andrie Michael, Krieger Roger, Foster David E., Durrett Russ, Gopalakrishnan Venkatesh, Plazas Alejandro, Peterson Richard, Szymkowicz Patrick, Study of High Speed Gasoline Direct Injection Compression Ignition (GDICI) Engine Operation in the LTC Regime, SAE International Journal of Engines, 4, 1, 2011. Crossref

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  146. Imren Abdurrahman, Golovitchev Valeri, Sorusbay Cem, Valentino Gerardo, The Full Cycle HD Diesel Engine Simulations Using KIVA-4 Code, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2010. Crossref

  147. Ra Youngchul, Reitz Rolf D., A reduced chemical kinetic model for IC engine combustion simulations with primary reference fuels, Combustion and Flame, 155, 4, 2008. Crossref

  148. Taghavifar Hadi, Khalilarya Shahram, Jafarmadar Samad, Engine structure modifications effect on the flow behavior, combustion, and performance characteristics of DI diesel engine, Energy Conversion and Management, 85, 2014. Crossref

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  157. Lee Choong Hoon, Reitz Rolf D., A comparative study on CFD simulation of spray penetration between gas jet and standard KIVA-3V spray model over a wide range of ambient gas densities, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 26, 12, 2012. Crossref

  158. Li Yikai, Umemura Akira, Mechanism of the Large Surface Deformation Caused by Rayleigh-Taylor Instability at Large Atwood Number, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 02, 10, 2014. Crossref

  159. Sun Yong, Reitz Rolf D., Adaptive Injection Strategies (AIS) for Ultra-Low Emissions Diesel Engines, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2008. Crossref

  160. Jafarmadar S., Taghavifar Hadi, Taghavifar Hamid, Navid A., Numerical assessment of flow dynamics for various DI diesel engine designs considering swirl number and uniformity index, Energy Conversion and Management, 110, 2016. Crossref

  161. Das Adhikary Bishwadipa, Reitz Rolf D., Ciatti Stephen, Study of In-Cylinder Combustion and Multi-Cylinder Light Duty Compression Ignition Engine Performance Using Different RON Fuels at Light Load Conditions, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2013. Crossref

  162. Ge Hai-Wen, Shi Yu, Reitz Rolf D., Wickman David, Willems Werner, Engine Development Using Multi-dimensional CFD and Computer Optimization, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2010. Crossref

  163. Kakaee Amir-Hasan, Rahnama Pourya, Paykani Amin, Influence of fuel composition on combustion and emissions characteristics of natural gas/diesel RCCI engine, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 25, 2015. Crossref

  164. Lee Sangyul, Choi Hoimyoung, Chung Jaewoo, The Effects of Injection Timing and Piston Bowl Shape on PHCCI Combustion with Split injections, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2010. Crossref

  165. Kobashi Yoshimitsu, Maekawa Hiroki, Kato Satoshi, Senda Jiro, Simultaneous Reduction of Pressure Rise Rate and Emissions in a Compression Ignition Engine by Use of Dual-Component Fuel Spray, SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 5, 3, 2012. Crossref

  166. Helmantel Arjan, Golovitchev Valeri, Injection Strategy Optimization for a Light Duty DI Diesel Engine in Medium Load Conditions with High EGR rates, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2009. Crossref

  167. Lim Jae Hyung, Walker N. Ryan, Kokjohn Sage, Reitz Rolf D., High Speed Dual-Fuel RCCI Combustion for High Power Output, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2014. Crossref

  168. Pan Lun, Kokjohn Sage, Huang Zuohua, Development and validation of a reduced chemical kinetic model for dimethyl ether combustion, Fuel, 160, 2015. Crossref

  169. Zoldak Philip, Sobiesiak Andrzej, Bergin Michael, Wickman David D., Computational Study of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) Combustion in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Using Natural Gas, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2014. Crossref

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  172. Das Adhikary Bishwadipa, Ra Youngchul, Reitz Rolf D., Ciatti Stephen, Numerical Optimization of a Light-Duty Compression Ignition Engine Fuelled With Low-Octane Gasoline, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2012. Crossref

  173. Park Sung Wook, Reitz Rolf D., Optimization of fuel/air mixture formation for stoichiometric diesel combustion using a 2-spray-angle group-hole nozzle, Fuel, 88, 5, 2009. Crossref

  174. Ra Youngchul, Reitz Rolf D., McFarlane Joanna, Daw C. Stuart, Effects of Fuel Physical Properties on Diesel Engine Combustion using Diesel and Bio-diesel Fuels, SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 1, 1, 2008. Crossref

  175. Perini Federico, Das Adhikary Bishwadipa, Lim Jae Hyung, Su Xingyuan, Ra Youngchul, Wang Hu, Reitz Rolf D., Improved Chemical Kinetics Numerics for the Efficient Simulation of Advanced Combustion Strategies, SAE International Journal of Engines, 7, 1, 2014. Crossref

  176. Shi Yu, Reitz Rolf D., Study of Diesel Engine Size-Scaling Relationships Based on Turbulence and Chemistry Scales, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2008. Crossref

  177. Butts Ryan T., Foster David E., Krieger Roger, Andrie Michael, Ra Youngchul, Investigation of the Effects of Cetane Number, Volatility, and Total Aromatic Content on Highly-Dilute Low Temperature Diesel Combustion, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2010. Crossref

  178. Pang Kar Mun, Ng Hoon Kiat, Gan Suyin, Simulation of temporal and spatial soot evolution in an automotive diesel engine using the Moss–Brookes soot model, Energy Conversion and Management, 58, 2012. Crossref

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  180. Poon Hiew Mun, Ng Hoon Kiat, Gan Suyin, Pang Kar Mun, Schramm Jesper, Development and Validation of Chemical Kinetic Mechanism Reduction Scheme for Large-Scale Mechanisms, SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 7, 3, 2014. Crossref

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  188. Shi Yu, Reitz Rolf D., Assessment of Optimization Methodologies to Study the Effects of Bowl Geometry, Spray Targeting and Swirl Ratio for a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Operated at High-Load, SAE International Journal of Engines, 1, 1, 2008. Crossref

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  191. Musu Ettore, Gentili Roberto, Reitz Rolf D., Homogeneous Charge Progressive Combustion (HCPC): CFD Study of an Innovative Diesel HCCI Concept, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2009. Crossref

  192. Montanaro Alessandro, Malaguti Simone, Alfuso Salvatore, Wall Impingement Process of a Multi-Hole GDI Spray: Experimental and Numerical Investigation, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2012. Crossref

  193. Juneja Harmit, Ra Youngchul, Reitz Rolf D., Optimization of Injection Rate Shape Using Active Control of Fuel Injection, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2004. Crossref

  194. Pang Kar Mun, Jangi Mehdi, Bai Xue-Song, Schramm Jesper, Evaluation and optimisation of phenomenological multi-step soot model for spray combustion under diesel engine-like operating conditions, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 19, 3, 2015. Crossref

  195. Wang Tianyou, Meng Xiangzan, Song Xiaochao, Jia Ming, Updated Prediction of the Physical Properties Needed for Modeling the Spray Behavior of Biodiesel Fuel, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2014. Crossref

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  198. Ra Youngchul, Reitz Rolf D., A vaporization model for discrete multi-component fuel sprays, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 35, 2, 2009. Crossref

  199. Abani Neerav, Reitz Rolf D., Diesel engine emissions and combustion predictions using advanced mixing models applicable to fuel sprays, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 14, 5, 2010. Crossref

  200. Malaguti Simone, Bagli Giuseppe, Montanaro Alessandro, Piccinini Stefano, Allocca Luigi, Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Gasoline-Ethanol Blends from a GDI Multi-Hole Injector by Means of Multi-Component Approach, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2013. Crossref

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  202. Kwon Hyuksun, Choi Hoimyung, Kim Joohan, Min Kyoungdoug, Combustion and emission modelling of a direct-injection spark-ignition engine by combining flamelet models for premixed and diffusion flames, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 16, 6, 2012. Crossref

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  205. Musu Ettore, Rossi Riccardo, Gentili Roberto, Reitz Rolf D., CFD Study of HCPC Turbocharged Engine, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2010. Crossref

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  208. Dempsey Adam B., Wang Bao-Lin, Reitz Rolf D., Petersen Benjamin, Sahoo Dipankar, Miles Paul C., Comparison of Quantitative In-Cylinder Equivalence Ratio Measurements with CFD Predictions for a Light Duty Low Temperature Combustion Diesel Engine, SAE International Journal of Engines, 5, 2, 2012. Crossref

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  210. Abani N., Kokjohn S., Park S. W., Bergin M., Munnannur A., Ning W., Sun Y., Reitz Rolf D., An Improved Spray Model for Reducing Numerical Parameter Dependencies in Diesel Engine CFD Simulations, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2008. Crossref

  211. Puduppakkam Karthik V., Liang Long, Naik Chitralkumar V., Meeks Ellen, Kokjohn Sage L. , Reitz Rolf D., Use of Detailed Kinetics and Advanced Chemistry-Solution Techniques in CFD to Investigate Dual-Fuel Engine Concepts, SAE International Journal of Engines, 4, 1, 2011. Crossref

  212. Genzale Caroline L., Reitz Rolf D., Wickman David D., A Computational Investigation into the Effects of Spray Targeting, Bowl Geometry and Swirl Ratio for Low-Temperature Combustion in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine, SAE Technical Paper Series, 1, 2007. Crossref

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  745. Madihi R., Pourfallah M., Gholinia M., Armin M., Ghadi A.Z., Thermofluids analysis of combustion, emissions, and energy in a biodiesel (C11H22O2) / natural gas heavy-duty engine with RCCI mode (Part I: Single/ two -stage injection), International Journal of Thermofluids, 16, 2022. Crossref

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