Inscrição na biblioteca: Guest
International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research

Publicou 6 edições por ano

ISSN Imprimir: 2152-5102

ISSN On-line: 2152-5110

The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. 2017 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2018) IF: 1.1 To calculate the five year Impact Factor, citations are counted in 2017 to the previous five years and divided by the source items published in the previous five years. 2017 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2018) 5-Year IF: 1.3 The Eigenfactor score, developed by Jevin West and Carl Bergstrom at the University of Washington, is a rating of the total importance of a scientific journal. Journals are rated according to the number of incoming citations, with citations from highly ranked journals weighted to make a larger contribution to the eigenfactor than those from poorly ranked journals. Eigenfactor: 0.0002 The Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) is a single measurement of the field-normalized citation impact of journals in the Web of Science Core Collection across disciplines. The key words here are that the metric is normalized and cross-disciplinary. JCI: 0.33 SJR: 0.256 SNIP: 0.49 CiteScore™:: 2.4 H-Index: 23

Indexed in

Interactions between Rigid Particles

Volume 40, Edição 2, 2013, pp. 133-147
DOI: 10.1615/InterJFluidMechRes.v40.i2.40
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This paper is concerned with the migration of particles in a dense slurry flow, which is a mixture, consisting of more or less spherical particles immersed in a Newtonian fluid. The particles are rough, and we study their interaction in the lubrication limit, both analytically and in a numerical simulation. The analytical results are replicated in the simulation: structures form in the low shear rate region when the particle interaction does not involve a substantial repulsive element, they disappear when a repulsive elastic interaction is implemented.

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