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Journal of Automation and Information Sciences

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ISSN Печать: 1064-2315

ISSN Онлайн: 2163-9337

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Emergency Management with Complete Loss of Long-Term Power Supply on Nuclear Power Plants with Steam Drive Pumps

Том 52, Выпуск 9, 2020, pp. 51-59
DOI: 10.1615/JAutomatInfScien.v52.i9.50
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Краткое описание

The emergency with the complete loss of long-term power supply caused by a tsunami flooding was the main reason for the damage of nuclear fuel, damaging steam and gas explosions, and catastrophic environmental consequences at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant in 2011. After the Fukushima accident, the entire world nuclear community under the IAEA and the National bodies of nuclear safety regulation came to the unequivocal conclusion about the necessity of improving emergency prevention measures and technical means for rising the efficiency of emergency management at nuclear power plants with complete loss of long-term power supply. One of such approaches for solving the mentioned problem is the development and implementation of an emergency feed steam-driven pump from the nuclear power plant steam generator, which does not require a power supply and provides adequate duplication of the designed emergency electric feed pump system. Methods of classification for reliability and operability of the emergency feed pump were developed for the management of accidents with complete loss of long-term power supply of nuclear power plants. The determining factors for the qualification of the reliability of the steam-driven emergency feed pump are cases, conditions, and consequences of hydrodynamic shocks, which are accompanied by the pulsed high- amplitude increase in pressure and sharp braking of the flow. As a result of the designed qualification of the steam-driven emergency feed pump reliability for controlling the accidents with complete loss of long-term power supply, it is established that the maximum amplitudes of hydraulic shock pressure do not exceed 0.2 MPa. The reduction of hydraulic shock pressure maximum amplitudes is possible due to the shortened starting time of the steam-driven emergency feed pump and the effect of characteristic sensitivity parameters of the pump pressure discharge. It was ascertained that due to designing and experimental qualification of the efficiency of the steam-driven emergency feed pump for accident management with complete loss of long-term power supply the permissible minimum of steam pressure in the steam generator is 0.18 MPa, and the time of attainment of the operation (steady) mode is not less than 750 s. In this time interval, the relative power of residual heat emission is significant and does not exceed 70%. Therefore, alternative technical decisions for efficient emergency management with complete loss of long-term electric power supply at the initial stage before the steam-driven pump attains its operating (steady) mode is required.

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