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Journal of Automation and Information Sciences

Выходит 12 номеров в год

ISSN Печать: 1064-2315

ISSN Онлайн: 2163-9337

SJR: 0.173 SNIP: 0.588 CiteScore™:: 2

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Adaptive Sequency Basis in Problems of Random Signal Filtration

Том 33, Выпуск 4, 2001, 5 pages
DOI: 10.1615/JAutomatInfScien.v33.i4.80
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Краткое описание

A method of filtration of continuous signals based on usage of adaptive system of orthonormalized sequency functions is described. The original process is transformed into a sequence of rectangular pulses and filtration is carried out by extracting pulses of given duration. After that, useful signal is synthesized from the remaining components.

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