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Hydrobiological Journal
Stellvertretender Chefredakteur: V.I. Yurishinets (open in a new tab)
Exekutivsekretär der Redaktion: L.I. Kalinina (open in a new tab)

Erscheint 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr

ISSN Druckformat: 0018-8166

ISSN Online: 1943-5991

SJR: 0.221 SNIP: 0.469 CiteScore™:: 0.9 H-Index: 12

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Edge Effect Display in the Communities of Benthic Invertebrates of the Danube River Delta

Volumen 57, Ausgabe 5, 2021, pp. 19-37
DOI: 10.1615/HydrobJ.v57.i5.20
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Edge effect in various communities of benthic invertebrates of the Kiliya delta of the Danube River was investigated at the level of individual biotopes, hydrobiocenoses, and ecosystems. It has been found that the mechanism of edge effect genesis consists in the formation of a new stable biotope in the transition zone of contacting communities, which differs from the contacting communities in its environmental conditions. Edge effect display can be assessed in terms of relationship between species richness in the transition zone and that in the contacting communities.

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