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Heat Pipe Science and Technology, An International Journal

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ISSN Druckformat: 2151-7975

ISSN Online: 2151-7991


Volumen 1, Ausgabe 4, 2010, pp. 313-327
DOI: 10.1615/HeatPipeScieTech.v1.i4.20
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Low-temperature aluminum profiled heat pipes (HPs) with axially grooved internal walls are considered in this paper. They are mainly applied to space vehicles' thermal control systems. Longitudinal axial grooves are made as an effective capillary structure instead of traditional wicks in order to create maximal capillary head inside the HPs at minimal hydrodynamic resistance. They are manufactured while the HPs' containers are extruded from rods made of aluminum alloy. Experimental results on thermal performances of the above-mentioned HPs filled with ammonia as a cooling agent are presented. A study of the issue of the bends' affects on the performances of specially shaped aluminum axially grooved HPs is given. Aluminum axially grooved HPs built in honeycomb panels applied to space engineering have been developed by the authors. Some results on thermal engineering tests of HPs and honeycomb panels with them that have been developed by the order of the National Space Agency of Ukraine for AMPOS-SM-KF (2001-2006), Cyclon-4 (launched in 2006) Ukrainian-Russian, and other international space projects are given. Original software for simulation and prediction of thermal modes for profiled HPs (COUNT-HP) and honeycomb panels with built-in HPs (PSTAT) have been created on the basis of the developed mathematical models. Computed thermal modes for created HPs and honeycomb panels containing them in accordance with developed mathematical simulators are adduced in this paper. Long-term flight experiments proved the adequacy of the developed simulators and technical solutions for the developed HP and honeycomb panels prototypes.

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  6. Rassamakin, B., Khairnasov, S., Rassamakin, A., Tarasov, G., and Kozhukhov V, , Modeling and Analysis of On-Earth and Flight Tests of Honeycomb Panels Containing Heat Pipes on Board of "AMPOS CM-KF" Spacecraft.

  7. Rassamakin, B. M., Khairnasov, S. M., Smakovsky, D. S., and Alpherova, O. V. , Simulation of Temperature Field for Honeycomb Panel with Arbitrary Located Heat Pipes.

  8. Rassamakin, B. M., Khairnasov, S. M., Smakovsky, D. S., and Rassamakin, A. B. , 3-D Simulation of the Temperature Field for Honeycomb Panels Joined Heat Pipes and Taking into Account Radiation Heat Transfer.

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  3. Desai Akshaykumar N., Singh V. K., Patel Rajesh N., Effect of Geometrical Parameters on the Thermal Performance of Ammonia-Based Trapezoidal-Shaped Axial Grooved Heat Pipe, Journal of Heat Transfer, 141, 12, 2019. Crossref

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