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Telecommunications and Radio Engineering

Published 12 issues per year

ISSN Print: 0040-2508

ISSN Online: 1943-6009

SJR: 0.185 SNIP: 0.268 CiteScore™:: 1.5 H-Index: 22

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Volume 83, Issue 5, 2024, pp. 43-55
DOI: 10.1615/TelecomRadEng.2024051913
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This manuscript describes two- and three-element small-scale multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna configurations for 5G communications ranging from 23.5 to 28.6 GHz. Modern device antennas have two essential features: isolation and a larger bandwidth. In this regard, firstly a single element antenna has been designed using quarter wavelength impedance transformer and semi-circular loaded patch along with defected ground structure. Furthermore, two single-element antennas are placed orthonormal to each other having quarter wavelength distance from the center of the single-element antenna. To increase the bandwidth and isolation, additionally a rectangular patch and strip isolate from ground. This structural change alters the current path, improving the impedance matching and isolation of the two-element MIMO antenna configuration. After that the three-element MIMO configuration was formed by placing two single-element antennas orthogonally at quarter wavelength from the center of the single-element antenna. The total size of two- and three-element MIMO antenna is 15 × 11 × 1.6 mm and 20 × 11 × 1.6 mm, respectively. The proposed MIMO antennas provide isolation of more than 21 dB and gain more than 25 dB throughout the working band. MIMO diversity features function reasonably well, with an envelope correlation coefficient of less than 0.002 and diversity gain of 10. Proposed antennas can be a good candidate for MIMO applications in the 5G communication frequency range 2 (FR2), 28 GHz bands.


  • FIG. 1: Suggested work development process
  • FIG. 2: Proposed source antenna’s design evolution: (a) Step 1 as reference model, (b) Step 2 as
intermediate model, and (c) Step 3 as proposed single-element antenna
  • FIG. 3: Reflection coefficients of all iterations of antenna design
  • FIG. 4: Radiation pattern of proposed antenna at resonating frequency 26.1 GHz
  • FIG. 5: Proposed source antenna’s design evolution: (a) Step 4, (b) Step 5, and (c) Step 6 (proposed
two-element MIMO)
  • FIG. 6: Scattering parameters of all three iterations of two-element MIMO design
  • FIG. 7: Performance of two-element MIMO antenna: (a) ECC of all three iterations of the twoelement
MIMO configuration
  • FIG. 7: Performance of two-element MIMO antenna: (b) surface current distribution of proposed MIMO antenna at
resonating frequency 25.7 GHz
  • FIG. 8: Geometrical configuration of three-element MIMO antenna (all parameters are revealed
here in mm: L = 20.0, W = 11.0, ls = 7.5, ws = 0.9, lg = 6.0, wg = 3.5, wg1 = 1.75, l1 = 2.5, w1 = 0.5,
d = 2.75, r = 2.0)
  • FIG. 9: Simulated scattering parameters of proposed three-element MIMO antenna: (a) reflection
  • FIG. 9: Simulated scattering parameters of proposed three-element MIMO antenna: (b) isolation
  • FIG. 10: Proposed three-element MIMO antenna: (a) envelope correlation coefficient and the
diversity gain
  • FIG. 10: Proposed three-element MIMO antenna: (b) surface current distribution
  • FIG. 11: Parametric variation with respect to width of truncated ground plane wg1: (a) reflection
  • FIG. 11: Parametric variation with respect to width of truncated ground plane wg1: (b) isolation
  • FIG. 12: Parametric variation with respect to width of truncated strip line from ground plane ws:
(a) reflection coefficient
  • FIG. 12: Parametric variation with respect to width of truncated strip line from ground plane ws:
( (b) isolation
  • FIG. 13: Total gain of proposed MIMO antennas
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