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Journal of Automation and Information Sciences

年間 12 号発行

ISSN 印刷: 1064-2315

ISSN オンライン: 2163-9337

SJR: 0.173 SNIP: 0.588 CiteScore™:: 2


On weak extensions of extreme problems for nonlinear operator equations. Part I. Weak solutions

巻 38, 発行 1, 2006, pp. 68-78
DOI: 10.1615/J Automat Inf Scien.v38.i1.70
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In the paper weak extensions of extreme problems for objects, which are described by nonlinear operator equations with the operators being densely defined and, strictly speaking, not maximal, are investigated. Theorems of the existence of strong and weak solutions are proved. Examples of classes of maps are given.

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  3. Kasyanov Pavlo O., Toscano Luisa, Zadoianchuk Nina V., Topological Properties of Strong Solutions for the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations, in Continuous and Distributed Systems, 211, 2014. Crossref

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