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Hydrobiological Journal

年間 6 号発行

ISSN 印刷: 0018-8166

ISSN オンライン: 1943-5991

SJR: 0.221 SNIP: 0.469 CiteScore™:: 0.9 H-Index: 12

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Peculiarities of the Influence of High Concentrations of Ammonium on the Functioning of Some Species of Cyanoprokaryota, Chlorophyta, and Euglenophyta

巻 55, 発行 2, 2019, pp. 69-82
DOI: 10.1615/HydrobJ.v55.i2.60
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The regularities of changes in growth parameters and in the activity of nitrogen metabolism enzymes, including glutamate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase, were investigated in some species of Cyanoprokaryota (Anabaena cylindrica and Phormidium autumnale f. uncinata), Chlorophyta (Scenedesmus obtusus and Desmodesmus communis), and Euglenophyta (Euglena gracilis) under the influence of high concentrations of ammonium (100 and 200 mg/L). The most significant changes in the above-mentioned indices were observed in Anabaena cylindrica, whereas the minimal ones - in Euglena gracilis. The obtained data suggest that the representative of Euglenophyta is most tolerant to excessive amount of ammonium in the aquatic environment compared to the other studied algal species.

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