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Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology

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Therapeutic potential of Artemisia vulgaris: An insight into underlying immunological mechanisms

Volume 38, Edição 3, 2019, pp. 205-216
DOI: 10.1615/JEnvironPatholToxicolOncol.2019029397
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Artemisia vulgaris is a traditional Chinese herb believed to have a wide range of healing properties; it is traditionally used to treat numerous health ailments. The plant is commonly called mugwort or riverside wormwood. The plant is edible, and in addition to its medicinal properties, it is also used as a culinary herb in Asian cooking in the form of a vegetable or in soup. The plant has garnered the attention of researchers in the past few decades, and several research studies have investigated its biological effects, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, hypolipidemic, and antimicrobial properties. In this review, various studies on these biological effects are discussed along with the tests conducted, compounds involved, and proposed mechanisms of action. This review will be of interest to the researchers working in the field of herbal medicine, pharmacology, medical sciences, and immunology.

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  2. Pandey BP, Thapa R, Upreti A. Chemical composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of essential oil and methanol extract of Artemisia vulgaris and Gaultheria fragrantissima collected from Nepal. Asian Pac J Trop Med. Oct 2017;10(10):952-59.

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  5. Saleh AM, Aljada A, Rizvi SA, Nasr A, Alaskar AS, Williams JD. In vitro cytotoxicity of Artemisia vulgaris L. essential oil is mediated by a mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in HL-60 leukemic cell line. BMC Comp Altern Med. Jul 7 2014;14:226.

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  2. Bhandari Sabina, Sharma Jayaswori, Rizal Sarbesh, Yi Young-Joo, Manandhar Gaurishankar, Artemisia vulgaris extract causes precocious acrosome reaction and viability loss but low rate of membrane damage in mouse spermatozoa, Journal of Animal Science and Technology, 63, 1, 2021. Crossref

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  4. Pandey Parijat, Gulati Nisha, Makhija Manish, Purohit Deepika, Dureja Harish, Nanoemulsion: A Novel Drug Delivery Approach for Enhancement of Bioavailability, Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, 14, 4, 2020. Crossref

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  8. Nasir Ahmed Md, Hughes Kerry, Role of ethno-phytomedicine knowledge in healthcare of COVID-19: advances in traditional phytomedicine perspective, Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11, 1, 2022. Crossref

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